Sponsor policy

Some of the products I am reviewing on this website (https://iamcarhacker.com) are provided to me for free in exchange for making a blog or video including this product.

For some products, I receive financial compensation as well to place these products in videos and blog posts.

IMPORTANT: Even if I get benefits like financial compensation or a free product in exchange for making a video or blog post, I never get compensation for my opinion. If I recommend a product it is only because I think it is worth buying after my own testing & comparing it to others.

I am committed to honest reviews

juraj OBD2 scanner tester
Author of Iamcarhacker.com, Juraj Lukacko is committed to honest reviews based on his own testing of products

Even though some products are given to me for “free” or even with financial compensation, the only thing I am providing in exchange is how these products to my audience.

My opinion of the product is always honest and based on mostly my own testing or in some cases testing of my colleagues from car shops, auto parts & OBD-II scanner stores.

Read more about how I craft my product reviews in the review policy.

Sponsored posts help me

A lot of products here I bought with my own money, but in order to be as helpful as possible I need to test & review a lot of different products. That’s why providing me products for free is helping me test more products and ultimately craft the best recommendation for you.

The more products I test, the more I am familiar with what the best product should look like in a given category.