Kingbolen YA200 code reader: Owner’s Review

Kingbolen YA200 is one of the cheaper code readers, but it still does all 10 OBD modes and it comes from a professional scan tool manufacturer: Launch. Code reader is useful but there are a few weak points.

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Kingbolen YA200 – Quick Overview

Kingbolen YA200

8 My Rating

Best Code reader on a budget I tested. It is one of the cheapest code readers, but it supports all OBD modes, and it also has features like battery tests or live data graphing.


  • Supports all global OBD
  • Live data graphs
  • Battery test
  • Cheap


  • It could be a little heavier

Get the best price

Here are multiple stores where you can get Kingbolen YA200. Check them out to get the best deal possible.

Who tested product & wrote this review?

Juraj Lukacko

Tester & Editor for this review: Juraj Lukacko

Hello, I am Juraj (Yuri) and I tested this product to help you decide if it is something you would want to buy, and if yes, show you how to use it.

I make honest reviews based on personal testing in my own garage and If I see the product is bad, I will make it very clear in review.

Read more about how I do reviews on in my review policy.

VIDEO: Kingbolen YA200 review

I also made a short video review of my YA200 code reader.

I tested Kingbolen YA200

This was actually my first code reader I tester so I didn’t have anything to compare it with back then, but luckily I tested dozens of them since then.

code readers in the box

So how does Kingbolen YA200 compare with other code readers?

I mean, there are a few better options out there which I list in my current best code readers page but all of them are more expensive.

YA200 is worth the money

Given it is almost free you are still getting decent functionality like reading and clearing faults, readiness monitors, and engine live data.

kingbolen ya200 text live data

What most code readers in this price range cannot do, but YA200 can is display engine live data as graphs as well.

kingbolen ya200 live data

I like this code reader. For little money you pay you get a decent tool to help you with check engine light diagnosing.

Get the best price

Here are multiple stores where you can get Kingbolen YA200. Check them out to get the best deal possible.


Connection TypeWired
Device typeCode reader
Need extra deviceNo
Need internetNo
Own softwareYes
Can use 3rd party softwareNo
Vehicle coverageAll
Global OBD ModesYes
Live data graphsYes (1)
Data loggingNo
Scan other modulesNo
Diagnostic report PDFNo
Full live dataNo
Service ProceduresNo
ECU codingNo
Full review + video
Price range$0-50
Current price
Bluetooth OBD-II scanners

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