Fix P2485: STEP-BY-STEP diagnostic GUIDE!

The P2485: Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit/Open Bank 2 Sensor 5 refers to a condition where the exhaust gas temperature sensor circuit (Bank 2 Sensor 5) has an open circuit. This means that there is a break or disconnection in the circuit, which can be caused by a faulty sensor, damaged wiring, or disconnected connectors. This issue can prevent accurate temperature monitoring and may lead to performance issues.

P2485 – Quick Overview

MeaningP2485: Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit/Open Bank 2 Sensor 5
Is it serious?Yes, an open circuit can prevent accurate monitoring of exhaust temperature, potentially leading to damage or performance issues.
Possible causes– Open circuit in the exhaust gas temperature sensor circuit for Bank 2 Sensor 5
– Faulty sensor
– Wiring or connector issues
How to diagnose?– Inspect the exhaust gas temperature sensor circuit for Bank 2 Sensor 5 for open circuits
– Check wiring and connectors
– Replace faulty components as needed

P2485 Meaning

The P2485: Exhaust Gas Temperature Sensor Circuit/Open Bank 2 Sensor 5 code indicates that there is an open circuit in the exhaust gas temperature sensor circuit for Bank 2 Sensor 5. An open circuit means that there is a complete disconnection somewhere in the electrical pathway, preventing the sensor from functioning correctly. This can be caused by damaged wiring, a faulty sensor, or disconnected connectors. This failure can lead to inaccurate temperature readings and impact engine performance.

Step-by-step diagnostic guide

ActionDescriptionTools Needed
Check for Other CodesUse an OBD-II scanner to determine if there are other related codes that could indicate multiple or connected issues.OBD-II Scanner
Inspect Wiring for Open CircuitVisually inspect the wiring for Bank 2 Sensor 5 to identify any signs of cuts, breaks, or disconnections in the circuit.Flashlight, Safety Gloves
Check ConnectorsInspect the connectors for Bank 2 Sensor 5, ensuring they are properly attached and free of corrosion or damage.Flashlight, Multimeter
Test Sensor ContinuityUse a multimeter to test the continuity of the exhaust gas temperature sensor circuit to verify if there is an open circuit. If no continuity, the circuit is open.Multimeter
Inspect the SensorRemove and visually inspect the exhaust gas temperature sensor for any physical damage. Replace the sensor if found to be faulty.Flashlight, Safety Gloves
Repair or Replace Damaged WiringIf broken or damaged wiring is found, repair or replace the affected sections to restore the circuit.Wire Repair Kit, Tools Set
Replace Faulty SensorIf the sensor is faulty or there is no continuity through the sensor, replace it with a new one.Replacement Sensor, Tools Set
Clear the Code and Test DriveClear the code using an OBD-II scanner and perform a test drive to ensure that the issue has been resolved.OBD-II Scanner, Vehicle Owner’s Manual
Recheck for CodesAfter the test drive, re-scan the vehicle to verify that the P2485 code has not returned. If it does, further diagnostics may be needed.OBD-II Scanner
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