Fix P2246: STEP-BY-STEP diagnostic GUIDE!

The P2246: O2 Sensor Reference Voltage Circuit High Bank 1 Sensor 1 refers to an issue where the oxygen (O2) sensor reference voltage circuit for Bank 1 Sensor 1 is reading a voltage level higher than the expected range. This condition can prevent the sensor from properly monitoring the oxygen levels in the exhaust gases, resulting in incorrect air-fuel ratio adjustments, poor engine performance, and increased emissions. This problem may be due to a faulty O2 sensor, wiring issues, or problems with the connectors.

P2246 – Quick Overview

MeaningP2246: O2 Sensor Reference Voltage Circuit High Bank 1 Sensor 1
Is it serious?Yes, as a high reference voltage can lead to incorrect sensor readings, affecting engine efficiency and emissions.
Possible causes– High voltage in O2 sensor reference voltage circuit for Bank 1 Sensor 1
– Faulty O2 sensor
– Wiring issues
– Connector problems
How to diagnose?– Measure voltage in the O2 sensor reference voltage circuit for Bank 1 Sensor 1
– Test the sensor for proper operation
– Inspect wiring and connectors for faults

P2246 Meaning

The P2246: O2 Sensor Reference Voltage Circuit High Bank 1 Sensor 1 code indicates that the reference voltage to the oxygen sensor in Bank 1 Sensor 1 is higher than what is considered normal by the engine control unit (ECU). This excessive voltage can disrupt the sensor’s operation, leading to inaccurate oxygen level readings in the exhaust, which will adversely affect the air-fuel mixture, engine performance, and emissions output.

Step-by-step diagnostic guide

ActionDescriptionTools Needed
Check for Other CodesUse an OBD-II scanner to see if there are any other related codes present. This can help identify if the problem is an isolated issue with Bank 1 Sensor 1 or if it is part of a larger system issue.OBD-II Scanner
Measure Voltage in the O2 Sensor Reference Voltage CircuitUse a multimeter to measure the voltage of the reference circuit for Bank 1 Sensor 1. Compare the measurement against the manufacturer’s specified range to determine if the voltage is abnormally high.Multimeter, Vehicle Service Manual
Test the Sensor for Proper OperationUse a diagnostic tool to test the functionality of the O2 sensor. Verify if the sensor is operating properly under different conditions and whether it is correctly regulating the voltage. If the sensor is faulty, it should be replaced.Diagnostic Scanner, Multimeter
Inspect Wiring and Connectors for FaultsInspect the wiring and connectors related to Bank 1 Sensor 1. Look for signs of damage such as broken or frayed wires, melted insulation, or corroded connectors that could be causing high voltage levels in the circuit. Repair or replace any damaged components.Flashlight, Safety Gloves
Inspect the Sensor Connector ConditionCheck the sensor connector to make sure it is not damaged or corroded. Ensure that the connector is properly seated, and that there are no bent pins or other issues that could affect the reference voltage.Flashlight
Clear the Code and Test DriveOnce repairs have been made, use an OBD-II scanner to clear the code. Conduct a test drive to monitor the sensor’s performance and ensure that the voltage levels remain within normal ranges, and the issue does not recur.OBD-II Scanner, Vehicle Owner’s Manual
Recheck for CodesAfter the test drive, re-scan the vehicle to confirm that the P2246 code has not returned. If the code persists, further diagnostics will be necessary to determine any underlying issues with the reference voltage circuit.OBD-II Scanner
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